Section 8 Housing is coming to our Neighborhood

We are local residents concerned that these changes will dramatically impact our community for the worse.

What's going on?

We have a crisis. With limited housing supply, ever-increasing rents, and skyrocketing cost of living, we need more affordable housing. To help achieve this goal, California State Bill 35 incentivizes developers to build affordable housing by reducing typical requirements to accommodate traffic, parking, and the overall needs of the neighborhood.

The City of Burbank is in the process of approving many affordable-housing developments, with three of the largest projects being constructed within one block of one another in our community near Burbank Airport.

The project will construct 616 new units with only 85 parking spaces (531 without parking spaces). Because many of the typical building requirements have been waived due to SB-35, these three Section 8 housing complexes do not have enough parking, will severely affect traffic on Empire, and dramatically reshape our long-standing community.  

While we are in complete support of affordable housing in our backyards, these projects are packing too many people into a neighborhood that cannot support them.

By the numbers

  • Three 7-story apartment buildings are being constructed
  • All three are 100% Section 8 apartments (1 person making less than $26,500)
  • People from downtown LA will be bussed in to be housed here
  • 616 new units are being built
  • Only 85 parking spaces
  • One of the buildings is replacing a 92-stall parking lot
  • No plans to increase security or police presence

This is the section 8 apartment complex to be built at the site of the Kid’s Castle, next to Gross Park. (2814 W. Empire Ave.) It is one of three apartment complexes being constructed within one block.

2814 W. Empire

3000 W. Empire

3001 W. Empire

What is SB-35?

Senate Bill (SB) 35 went into effect on January 1, 2018 and changed the local review process for certain development projects. SB 35 applies to California Cities and Counties where production of new housing has not met the state-mandated Regional Housing Need Allocation targets. These Cities and Counties must use a streamlined, ministerial review process for qualifying multifamily residential projects.

We have a problem

New Units
Parking Spaces

How does this impact our neighborhood?

Whether you are renting or you own your home, these three section 8 apartment complexes will dramatically reshape our neighborhood.

Parking Concerns

The primary issue is parking. Currently, the SB-35 Empire buildings will construct 616 new units with 85 parking spaces. Where will new residents, visitors, and people attending events at Gross Park park?

Traffic Concerns

Two seven-story buildings will be built at the intersection of Empire Ave. and N Fairview St., with the third built next to Gross Park. How will the city manage the increased traffic from new residents and guests?

Safety Concerns

We are excited about new affordable housing options for Burbank residents and workers, but are concerned about potential safety concerns.